hyuna金泫雅;泫雅短语Hyuna Kim 金泫雅 Sung Hyuna 成贤娥 例衫薯句:1.After HyunA left the group and the first album came out, the So Hee that was outgoing and always smiling was gone. 在经历了泫雅退队,第一张专辑面世之后,那个性格开朗,脸上总是挂着微笑的昭熙一下子不见了。 2.After HyunA left the group and the first album came out, the So Hee that was outgoing and always smiling was gone. 在经历了泫雅退队或拍者,第一张专辑面世之后,那个性格开朗,脸上总是挂著微笑的贺腊昭熙一下子不见了。 希望能帮到你,祝你学习进步!
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