The Three Gorges Dam网 络 解 释:三峡大坝 短 语The Three Gorges Dam project(三峡堤坝工程敏敬;三峡大坝工程桥宏慎) 例 句:1The media is now overwhelmed by criticism of the Three Gorges Dam.现在的媒体是被批评三峡绝伏大坝的声音主导。 2.Another reason could be that officials realize they need to play down the Three Gorges Dam.另一个原因可能是,相关官员意识到他们需要淡化三峡大坝的作用。 3.The Three Gorges Dam was clogged by vast floating islands of debris -- in some places, the trash was so thick that people could stand on it.三峡大坝被大量推挤成山的,浮在水面的碎片堵塞,在一些地方,堆积起来的垃圾如此之后,竟能经受人们站在上面。
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