1、The plate was broken by me unwittingly.我不小心把盘子打破了。
2、He plated the car with red painter.他给汽车上了一层红色油漆。
3、The young athlete returned to his hometown with a plate.这位年轻的运动员拿着奖杯回到了家乡。
4、There's still lots of food on your plate.你的盘子里还伏棚祥有很多食物
5、I cleaned the plate with dish soap.我用洗洁精把盘子洗干净了。
6、He loaded his plate with sweets when his mother wasn’t looking.趁他妈妈没看和侍见,他在自己盘子里装满了甜点。
7、It is time for the council to step up to the plate and provide the necessary leadership.委员会是时候负缺搏起责任,展示出必要的领导力了。
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