SNHabbr.sudden neurosensory hypoacusis 突发性神经感觉性听觉迟钝; 例句:1.All the species affected are on snh's species action framework of the 22 most significantand threatened animals, plants and invertebrates in scotland. 所有受影响物种均已列入苏格兰自然遗早李产署为苏旦睁芹格兰22种最重要的濒危动植物和无脊椎动物制定的物种模毕行动框架。 2.Until now, snh and other environment agencies have been largely protected from theswingeing cuts imposed on natural england and other english agencies by the ukgovernment during the recession. 经济衰退期间,英国政府大幅削减自然英格兰(natural england)和其他英国机构的经费,但时至今日,苏格兰自然遗产署和其他环境机构却极少受到影响
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