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求Deep Springs College创始人卢西恩·卢修斯·纳恩所说的办校理念原文

2023-05-11 20:11:49 编辑:zane 浏览量:656

求Deep Springs College创始人卢西恩·卢修斯·纳恩所说的办校理念原文

The desert has a deep personality; it has a voice. Great leaders in all ages have sought the desert and heard its voice. You can hear it if you listen, but you cannot hear it while in the midst of uproar and strife for material things. 'Gentlemen, for what came ye into the wilderness?' Not for conventional scholastic training; not for ranch life; not to become proficient in commercial or professional pursuits for personal gain. You came to prepare for a life of service, with the understanding that superior ability and generous purpose would be expected of you.

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