回答和翻译如下:For Commonwealth Supported students commencing this course, the indicative SCA for Year 1 of full-time study of 48 credit points (1.0 EFTSL).The tuition fee that you will pay depends on the calendar year in which you undertake your study in the course, and your study load.This indicative tuition fee is subject to annual increase each year of your study, effective at the start of each calendar year.Please read carefully the 'Important Fee Information' section set out below.联邦资敏手禅助的学薯兆生开始这门课程,48学分制度,全日制学习1年(1 eftsl)表示SCA。 学费,你将支付取决于你承担你历年本课程的学习,你的学习负担。 这个指示的学费是受你的研究桥尘年度每年增加,有效的在每个历年的开始。 请仔细阅读“重要信息”部分列出以下费用。