Shart Shart is a portmanteau of shit and fart, and refers to a fart that results in the soiling of ones pants/underwear. It was mentioned by the character played by Philip Seymour Hoffman in the movie Along Came Polly.To protect against sharts, one could place a Manpon (usually a bunch of toilet paper) in one'渗孝s underwear to maintain cleanliness. Manpon is a portmanteau of Man and Tampon.中文意思,通俗点说,就是放P崩出丛返稿来shi啊 fen水啥的搞到裤子上很恶心的 这个词就是shit 和 fart的合并词出处是一部叫做世渣《遇见波莉》(Along Came Polly)的电影
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