

2023-03-23 08:51:14 编辑:zane 浏览量:611


歌曲:Bunny In A Bunny Suit歌手:Simone White所属专辑:Yakiimo时长:1:58歌词:pretending to be myself again复伪为归我acting as if I was who I am若吾素即我wearing the clothes that I always wear着那件我的素衣and doing the usual thing to my hair如前抚臣之发搭岁租之pretending to be myself again复伪为归我imitating the person I've always been吾常欲仿而效之者legally changing my name to my name一遍又一遍地更著我名and making believe I'm exactly the same使其信我尽与之a bunny in a bunny suit着雀数兔外套之小兔tiger in a tiger mask戴虎面者小虎who in the world do you think that I am于是世上,汝以我当作谁I suppose it depends on who you ask汝谓我谁,我即是谁of all the disguises I've ever worn我面上所现过之饰I flatter myself in the most sincere form是我知兆以至诚之气所表现still I'm kept at a distance by friends亦仍与朋友离for just pretending to be myself again但以伪为归我a bunny in a bunny suit着兔外套之小兔vampire with plastic teeth著塑料牙套之吸血鬼who in the world do I think that I am于是世上,吾知吾当谁I suppose it depends on who I believe吾知,我欲谁是谁

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