

2023-06-20 08:40:59 编辑:zane 浏览量:615


when you go back home,take my song with you,but you never take your smile away.when you go back home,take my song with you,but you never take your smile away. tomorrow this song will be heard,every corner will be heard,every corner will be heard, tomorrow this song will be heard,every corner will be heard,every corner will be heard 请把我的歌 When you go back home . 带回你的家 Take my song with you 请把你握芹的微笑留下 But you never take your smile away 明天明天这歌声 Tomorrow this song will be heard 飞遍海角天涯 Every coner of the would 飞遍海角天涯 Every coner of the would 明天明天陪皮手这芦嫌微笑 Tomorrow this smile will be flowers 将是遍野春花 Blossom in the sringtime 将是遍野春花 Blossom in the springtime

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